// * =========================================================== * // < LESSHat > // * =========================================================== * // // Made with Energy drinks in Prague, Czech Republic. // Handcrafted by Petr Brzek, lesshat.com // Works great with CSS Hat csshat.com // version: v2.0.15 (2014-01-31) // TABLE OF MIXINS: // align-content // align-items // align-self // animation // animation-delay // animation-direction // animation-duration // animation-fill-mode // animation-iteration-count // animation-name // animation-play-state // animation-timing-function // appearance // backface-visibility // background-clip // background-image // background-origin // background-size // blur // border-bottom-left-radius // border-bottom-right-radius // border-image // border-radius // border-top-left-radius // border-top-right-radius // box-shadow // box-sizing // brightness // calc // column-count // column-gap // column-rule // column-width // columns // contrast // display // drop-shadow // filter // flex // flex-basis // flex-direction // flex-grow // flex-shrink // flex-wrap // font-face // grayscale // hue-rotate // hyphens // invert // justify-content // keyframes // opacity // order // perspective // perspective-origin // placeholder // rotate // rotate3d // rotateX // rotateY // rotateZ // saturate // scale // scale3d // scaleX // scaleY // scaleZ // selection // sepia // size // skew // skewX // skewY // transform // transform-origin // transform-style // transition // transition-delay // transition-duration // transition-property // transition-timing-function // translate // translate3d // translateX // translateY // translateZ // user-select // Config supported browsers for your project @webkit: true; @moz: true; @opera: true; @ms: true; @w3c: true; .align-content(...) { @webkit_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"stretch"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; @process_ms: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"stretch","flex-start"==value?value="start":"flex-end"==value?value="end":"space-between"==value?value="justify":"space-around"==value&&(value="distribute"),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-align-content: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process_ms)) and not (iscolor(@process_ms)) and not (isnumber(@process_ms)) and not (iskeyword(@process_ms)) and not (isurl(@process_ms)) and not (ispixel(@process_ms)) and not (ispercentage(@process_ms)) and not (isem(@process_ms)) { -ms-flex-line-pack: @process_ms; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process_ms)) and not (iscolor(@process_ms)) and not (isnumber(@process_ms)) and not (iskeyword(@process_ms)) and not (isurl(@process_ms)) and not (ispixel(@process_ms)) and not (ispercentage(@process_ms)) and not (isem(@process_ms)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { align-content: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .align-items(...) { @olderwebkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @webkit_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process_olderwebkit: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"stretch","flex-start"==value?value="start":"flex-end"==value&&(value="end"),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; @process_moz: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"stretch","flex-start"==value?value="start":"flex-end"==value&&(value="end"),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"stretch"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; @process_ms: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"stretch","flex-start"==value?value="start":"flex-end"==value&&(value="end"),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (iscolor(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (isnumber(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (iskeyword(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (isurl(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (ispixel(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (ispercentage(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (isem(@process_olderwebkit)) { -webkit-box-align: @process_olderwebkit; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (iscolor(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (isnumber(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (iskeyword(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (isurl(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (ispixel(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (ispercentage(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (isem(@process_olderwebkit)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process_moz)) and not (iscolor(@process_moz)) and not (isnumber(@process_moz)) and not (iskeyword(@process_moz)) and not (isurl(@process_moz)) and not (ispixel(@process_moz)) and not (ispercentage(@process_moz)) and not (isem(@process_moz)) { -moz-box-align: @process_moz; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process_moz)) and not (iscolor(@process_moz)) and not (isnumber(@process_moz)) and not (iskeyword(@process_moz)) and not (isurl(@process_moz)) and not (ispixel(@process_moz)) and not (ispercentage(@process_moz)) and not (isem(@process_moz)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-align-items: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process_ms)) and not (iscolor(@process_ms)) and not (isnumber(@process_ms)) and not (iskeyword(@process_ms)) and not (isurl(@process_ms)) and not (ispixel(@process_ms)) and not (ispercentage(@process_ms)) and not (isem(@process_ms)) { -ms-flex-align: @process_ms; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process_ms)) and not (iscolor(@process_ms)) and not (isnumber(@process_ms)) and not (iskeyword(@process_ms)) and not (isurl(@process_ms)) and not (ispixel(@process_ms)) and not (ispercentage(@process_ms)) and not (isem(@process_ms)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { align-items: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, true, @olderwebkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .align-self(...) { @webkit_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"auto"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; @process_ms: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"auto","flex-start"==value?value="start":"flex-end"==value&&(value="end"),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-align-self: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process_ms)) and not (iscolor(@process_ms)) and not (isnumber(@process_ms)) and not (iskeyword(@process_ms)) and not (isurl(@process_ms)) and not (ispixel(@process_ms)) and not (ispercentage(@process_ms)) and not (isem(@process_ms)) { -ms-align-self: @process_ms; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process_ms)) and not (iscolor(@process_ms)) and not (isnumber(@process_ms)) and not (iskeyword(@process_ms)) and not (isurl(@process_ms)) and not (ispixel(@process_ms)) and not (ispercentage(@process_ms)) and not (isem(@process_ms)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { align-self: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .animation(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"none",/^[^, ]*,/.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(/(?:,)(?![^(]*\))/g,"")),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-animation: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-animation: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-animation: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { animation: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .animation-delay(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var valueRegex=/(?:\d)(?:ms|s)/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return valueRegex.test(value)||"0"===value||(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return match+=parseFloat(match,10)>10?"ms":"s"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-animation-delay: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-animation-delay: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-animation-delay: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { animation-delay: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .animation-direction(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value||"normal"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-animation-direction: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-animation-direction: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-animation-direction: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { animation-direction: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .animation-duration(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var valueRegex=/ms|s/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return valueRegex.test(value)||"0"===value||(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return match+=parseFloat(match,10)>10?"ms":"s"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-animation-duration: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-animation-duration: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-animation-duration: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { animation-duration: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .animation-fill-mode(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value||"none"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-animation-fill-mode: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-animation-fill-mode: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-animation-fill-mode: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { animation-fill-mode: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .animation-iteration-count(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value||"0"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-animation-iteration-count: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-animation-iteration-count: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-animation-iteration-count: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { animation-iteration-count: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .animation-name(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value||"none"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-animation-name: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-animation-name: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-animation-name: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { animation-name: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .animation-play-state(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value||"running"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-animation-play-state: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-animation-play-state: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-animation-play-state: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { animation-play-state: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .animation-timing-function(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value||"ease"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-animation-timing-function: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-animation-timing-function: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-animation-timing-function: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { animation-timing-function: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .appearance(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value||"none"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-appearance: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-appearance: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { appearance: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .backface-visibility(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value||"visible"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-backface-visibility: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-backface-visibility: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-backface-visibility: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-backface-visibility: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { backface-visibility: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .background-clip(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value||"border-box"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-background-clip: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-background-clip: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { background-clip: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); 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} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-filter: blur(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-filter: blur(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { filter: blur(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .border-bottom-left-radius(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return/^[^, ]*,/.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(/(?:,)(?![^(]*\))/g,"")),numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"px"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: @process; -webkit-background-clip: padding-box; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: @process; -moz-background-clip: padding; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { border-bottom-left-radius: @process; background-clip: padding-box; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .border-bottom-right-radius(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return/^[^, ]*,/.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(/(?:,)(?![^(]*\))/g,"")),numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"px"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: @process; -webkit-background-clip: padding-box; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-border-radius-bottomright: @process; -moz-background-clip: padding; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { border-bottom-right-radius: @process; background-clip: padding-box; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .border-image(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||8121991,/^[^, ]*,/.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(/(?:,)(?![^(]*\))/g,"")),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-border-image: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-border-image: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-border-image: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { border-image: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .border-radius(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return/^[^, ]*,/.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(/(?:,)(?![^(]*\))/g,"")),numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"px"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-border-radius: @process; -webkit-background-clip: padding-box; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-border-radius: @process; -moz-background-clip: padding; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { border-radius: @process; background-clip: padding-box; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .border-top-left-radius(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return/^[^, ]*,/.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(/(?:,)(?![^(]*\))/g,"")),numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"px"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-border-top-left-radius: @process; -webkit-background-clip: padding-box; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-border-radius-topleft: @process; -moz-background-clip: padding; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { border-top-left-radius: @process; background-clip: padding-box; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .border-top-right-radius(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return/^[^, ]*,/.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(/(?:,)(?![^(]*\))/g,"")),numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"px"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-border-top-right-radius: @process; -webkit-background-clip: padding-box; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-border-radius-topright: @process; -moz-background-clip: padding; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { border-top-right-radius: @process; background-clip: padding-box; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .box-shadow(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return/^[^, ]*,/.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(/(?:,)(?![^(]*\))/g,"")),numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"px"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-box-shadow: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-box-shadow: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { box-shadow: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .box-sizing(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"content-box"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-box-sizing: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-box-sizing: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { box-sizing: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .brightness(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"1"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-filter: brightness(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-filter: brightness(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-filter: brightness(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { filter: brightness(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .calc(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){function syntax(property,start){var end=");\n",definition=value_temp.split(","),syntax=definition[0]+":"+property+"("+(definition[1].trim()||0)+end;"start"==start?value="0;\n"+syntax:value+=syntax}value=value||8121991;var state="@{state}",value_temp=value;if(8121991==value)return value;switch(state){case"1":syntax("-webkit-calc","start"),syntax("-moz-calc"),syntax("calc");break;case"2":syntax("-webkit-calc","start"),syntax("-moz-calc");break;case"3":syntax("-webkit-calc","start"),syntax("calc");break;case"4":syntax("-webkit-calc","start");break;case"5":syntax("-moz-calc","start"),syntax("calc");break;case"6":syntax("-moz-calc","start");break;case"7":syntax("calc","start")}return value=value.replace(/;$/g,"")})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; @state: 69; // Yeah totally random number .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state: 1; -lh-property: @process; } .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state: 2; -lh-property: @process; } .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // cross .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state: 2; -lh-property: @process; } .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state: 3; -lh-property: @process; } .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // cross .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state: 3; -lh-property: @process; } .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state: 4; -lh-property: @process; } .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // cross .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state: 4; -lh-property: @process; } .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state: 4; -lh-property: @process; } .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state: 5; -lh-property: @process; } .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // cross .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state: 5; -lh-property: @process; } .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state: 6; -lh-property: @process; } .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // cross .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state: 6; -lh-property: @process; } .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state: 6; -lh-property: @process; } .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state: 7; -lh-property: @process; } .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // cross .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state: 7; -lh-property: @process; } .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state: 7; -lh-property: @process; } .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) {} .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) {} .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) {} .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) {} .inception(@arguments); } .column-count(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"auto"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-column-count: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-column-count: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { column-count: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .column-gap(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"normal";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"px"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-column-gap: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-column-gap: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { column-gap: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .column-rule(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"medium none black";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return/^[^, ]*,/.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(/(?:,)(?![^(]*\))/g,"")),numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"px"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-column-rule: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-column-rule: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { column-rule: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .column-width(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"auto";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"px"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-column-width: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-column-width: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { column-width: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .columns(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"auto auto";var numRegex=/^\d+$/;return/^[^, ]*,/.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(/(?:,)(?![^(]*\))/g,""),value=value.split(" ")),numRegex.test(value[0])&&(value[0]=value[0]+"px"),value.join(" ")})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-columns: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-columns: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { columns: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .contrast(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"100%";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"%"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-filter: ~"contrast(@{process})"; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-filter: ~"contrast(@{process})"; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-filter: ~"contrast(@{process})"; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { filter: ~"contrast(@{process})"; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .display(...) { @oldwebkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @webkit_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process_oldwebkit: ~`(function(value){return value="flex"==value||"inline-flex"==value?"-webkit-box":8121991})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; @process_moz: ~`(function(value){return value="flex"==value||"inline-flex"==value?"-moz-box":8121991})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; 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} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process_oldwebkit)) and not (iscolor(@process_oldwebkit)) and not (isnumber(@process_oldwebkit)) and not (iskeyword(@process_oldwebkit)) and not (isurl(@process_oldwebkit)) and not (ispixel(@process_oldwebkit)) and not (ispercentage(@process_oldwebkit)) and not (isem(@process_oldwebkit)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process_moz)) and not (iscolor(@process_moz)) and not (isnumber(@process_moz)) and not (iskeyword(@process_moz)) and not (isurl(@process_moz)) and not (ispixel(@process_moz)) and not (ispercentage(@process_moz)) and not (isem(@process_moz)) { display: @process_moz; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process_moz)) and not (iscolor(@process_moz)) and not (isnumber(@process_moz)) and not (iskeyword(@process_moz)) and not (isurl(@process_moz)) and not (ispixel(@process_moz)) and not (ispercentage(@process_moz)) and not (isem(@process_moz)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process_webkit)) and not (iscolor(@process_webkit)) and not (isnumber(@process_webkit)) and not (iskeyword(@process_webkit)) and not (isurl(@process_webkit)) and not (ispixel(@process_webkit)) and not (ispercentage(@process_webkit)) and not (isem(@process_webkit)) { display: @process_webkit; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process_webkit)) and not (iscolor(@process_webkit)) and not (isnumber(@process_webkit)) and not (iskeyword(@process_webkit)) and not (isurl(@process_webkit)) and not (ispixel(@process_webkit)) and not (ispercentage(@process_webkit)) and not (isem(@process_webkit)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process_ms)) and not (iscolor(@process_ms)) and not (isnumber(@process_ms)) and not (iskeyword(@process_ms)) and not (isurl(@process_ms)) and not (ispixel(@process_ms)) and not (ispercentage(@process_ms)) and not (isem(@process_ms)) { display: @process_ms; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process_ms)) and not (iscolor(@process_ms)) and not (isnumber(@process_ms)) and not (iskeyword(@process_ms)) and not (isurl(@process_ms)) and not (ispixel(@process_ms)) and not (ispercentage(@process_ms)) and not (isem(@process_ms)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { display: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, true, @oldwebkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .drop-shadow(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){if(value=value||8121991,8121991==value)return value;var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return/^[^, ]*,/.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(/(?:,)(?![^(]*\))/g,"")),numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"px"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-filter: drop-shadow(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-filter: drop-shadow(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { filter: drop-shadow(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .filter(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"none",/^[^, ]*,/.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(/(?:,)(?![^(]*\))/g,"")),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-filter: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-filter: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-filter: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { filter: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .flex(...) { @olderwebkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @webkit_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process_olderwebkit: ~`(function(value){return value=value.match(/^\d+/)[0]||"0"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; @process_moz: ~`(function(value){return value=value.match(/^\d+/)[0]||"0"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"0 1 auto",/^[^, ]*,/.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(/(?:,)(?![^(]*\))/g,"")),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (iscolor(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (isnumber(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (iskeyword(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (isurl(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (ispixel(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (ispercentage(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (isem(@process_olderwebkit)) { -webkit-box-flex: @process_olderwebkit; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (iscolor(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (isnumber(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (iskeyword(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (isurl(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (ispixel(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (ispercentage(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (isem(@process_olderwebkit)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process_moz)) and not (iscolor(@process_moz)) and not (isnumber(@process_moz)) and not (iskeyword(@process_moz)) and not (isurl(@process_moz)) and not (ispixel(@process_moz)) and not (ispercentage(@process_moz)) and not (isem(@process_moz)) { -moz-box-flex: @process_moz; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process_moz)) and not (iscolor(@process_moz)) and not (isnumber(@process_moz)) and not (iskeyword(@process_moz)) and not (isurl(@process_moz)) and not (ispixel(@process_moz)) and not (ispercentage(@process_moz)) and not (isem(@process_moz)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-flex: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-flex: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { flex: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, true, @olderwebkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .flex-basis(...) { @webkit_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"auto";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"px"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-flex-basis: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { flex-basis: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .flex-direction(...) { @oldestwebkit_local: true; @oldermoz_local: true; @olderwebkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @webkit_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process_oldestwebkit: ~`(function(value){return value="row"==value||"column"==value?"normal":"row-reverse"==value||"column-reverse"==value?"reverse":8121991})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; @process_oldermoz: ~`(function(value){return value="row"==value||"column"==value?"normal":"row-reverse"==value||"column-reverse"==value?"reverse":8121991})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; 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} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process_oldestwebkit)) and not (iscolor(@process_oldestwebkit)) and not (isnumber(@process_oldestwebkit)) and not (iskeyword(@process_oldestwebkit)) and not (isurl(@process_oldestwebkit)) and not (ispixel(@process_oldestwebkit)) and not (ispercentage(@process_oldestwebkit)) and not (isem(@process_oldestwebkit)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process_oldermoz)) and not (iscolor(@process_oldermoz)) and not (isnumber(@process_oldermoz)) and not (iskeyword(@process_oldermoz)) and not (isurl(@process_oldermoz)) and not (ispixel(@process_oldermoz)) and not (ispercentage(@process_oldermoz)) and not (isem(@process_oldermoz)) { -moz-box-direction: @process_oldermoz; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process_oldermoz)) and not (iscolor(@process_oldermoz)) and not (isnumber(@process_oldermoz)) and not (iskeyword(@process_oldermoz)) and not (isurl(@process_oldermoz)) and not (ispixel(@process_oldermoz)) and not (ispercentage(@process_oldermoz)) and not (isem(@process_oldermoz)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (iscolor(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (isnumber(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (iskeyword(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (isurl(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (ispixel(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (ispercentage(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (isem(@process_olderwebkit)) { -webkit-box-orient: @process_olderwebkit; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (iscolor(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (isnumber(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (iskeyword(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (isurl(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (ispixel(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (ispercentage(@process_olderwebkit)) and not (isem(@process_olderwebkit)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process_moz)) and not (iscolor(@process_moz)) and not (isnumber(@process_moz)) and not (iskeyword(@process_moz)) and not (isurl(@process_moz)) and not (ispixel(@process_moz)) and not (ispercentage(@process_moz)) and not (isem(@process_moz)) { -moz-box-orient: @process_moz; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process_moz)) and not (iscolor(@process_moz)) and not (isnumber(@process_moz)) and not (iskeyword(@process_moz)) and not (isurl(@process_moz)) and not (ispixel(@process_moz)) and not (ispercentage(@process_moz)) and not (isem(@process_moz)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-flex-direction: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 6) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-flex-direction: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 6) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 7) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { flex-direction: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 7) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, true, @oldestwebkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, true, @oldermoz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, true, @olderwebkit_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 6, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 7, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .flex-grow(...) { @webkit_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"0"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-flex-grow: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { flex-grow: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .flex-shrink(...) { @webkit_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"1"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-flex-shrink: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { flex-shrink: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .flex-wrap(...) { @webkit_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"nowrap"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-flex-wrap: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-flex-wrap: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { flex-wrap: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .font-face(@fontname, @fontfile, @fontweight:normal, @fontstyle:normal) { font-family: "@{fontname}"; src: url("@{fontfile}.eot"); src: url("@{fontfile}.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), url("@{fontfile}.woff") format("woff"), url("@{fontfile}.ttf") format("truetype"), url("@{fontfile}.svg#@{fontname}") format("svg"); font-weight: @fontweight; font-style: @fontstyle; } .grayscale(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"%"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-filter: grayscale(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-filter: grayscale(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-filter: grayscale(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { filter: grayscale(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .hue-rotate(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"deg"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-filter: hue-rotate(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-filter: hue-rotate(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-filter: hue-rotate(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { filter: hue-rotate(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .hyphens(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"manual"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-hyphens: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-hyphens: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-hyphens: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { hyphens: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .invert(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"100%";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"%"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-filter: invert(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-filter: invert(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-filter: invert(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { filter: invert(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .justify-content(...) { @oldestwebkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @webkit_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"flex-start"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; @process_moz: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"start","flex-start"==value?value="start":"flex-end"==value?value="end":("space-between"==value||"space-around"==value)&&(value="justify"),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; 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} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process_moz)) and not (iscolor(@process_moz)) and not (isnumber(@process_moz)) and not (iskeyword(@process_moz)) and not (isurl(@process_moz)) and not (ispixel(@process_moz)) and not (ispercentage(@process_moz)) and not (isem(@process_moz)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process_ms)) and not (iscolor(@process_ms)) and not (isnumber(@process_ms)) and not (iskeyword(@process_ms)) and not (isurl(@process_ms)) and not (ispixel(@process_ms)) and not (ispercentage(@process_ms)) and not (isem(@process_ms)) { -webkit-justify-content: @process_ms; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process_ms)) and not (iscolor(@process_ms)) and not (isnumber(@process_ms)) and not (iskeyword(@process_ms)) and not (isurl(@process_ms)) and not (ispixel(@process_ms)) and not (ispercentage(@process_ms)) and not (isem(@process_ms)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-flex-pack: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { justify-content: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, true, @oldestwebkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .keyframes(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){function syntax(start,selector,prefix){var end="}\n",definition=value_temp.split(/(^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+),/g),keyframes=selector+" "+definition[1]+"{",prefixes=["-webkit-","-moz-","-ms-",""];prefix?prefixedProperties.forEach(function(property){-1!==value.indexOf(property)&&(definition[2]=definition[2].replace(new RegExp(property,"g"),function(match){return prefix+match}))}):definition[2]=definition[2].replace(/{([^}]+)}/g,function(match,sub){var subSplit=sub.split(";");subSplit.forEach(function(css,index){prefixedProperties.forEach(function(property){-1!==css.indexOf(property)&&(subSplit[index]="",prefixes.forEach(function(vendor){subSplit[index]+=css.trim().replace(new RegExp(property,"g"),function(match){return vendor+match})+";"}))})});var temp=subSplit.join(";").replace(/;;/g,";");return match.replace(sub,temp)}),keyframes+=definition[2]+end,"start"==start?value="0; } \n"+keyframes:"startend"==start?value="0; } \n"+keyframes.replace(end,""):value+="end"==start?keyframes.replace(end,""):keyframes}value=value||8121991;var state="@{state}",value_temp=value;if(8121991==value)return value;var prefixedProperties=["animation","transform","filter"];switch(state){case"1":syntax("start","@-webkit-keyframes","-webkit-"),syntax(null,"@-moz-keyframes","-moz-"),syntax(null,"@-o-keyframes","-o-"),syntax("end","@keyframes");break;case"2":syntax("start","@-webkit-keyframes","-webkit-"),syntax(null,"@-moz-keyframes","-moz-"),syntax("end","@keyframes");break;case"3":syntax("start","@-webkit-keyframes","-webkit-"),syntax(null,"@-moz-keyframes","-moz-"),syntax("end","@-o-keyframes","-o-");break;case"4":syntax("start","@-webkit-keyframes","-webkit-"),syntax(null,"@-o-keyframes","-o-"),syntax("end","@keyframes");break;case"5":syntax("start","@-webkit-keyframes","-webkit-"),syntax("end","@-moz-keyframes","-moz-");break;case"6":syntax("start","@-webkit-keyframes","-webkit-"),syntax("end","@-o-keyframes","-o-");break;case"7":syntax("start","@-webkit-keyframes","-webkit-"),syntax("end","@keyframes");break;case"8":syntax("startend","@-webkit-keyframes","-webkit-");break;case"9":syntax("start","@-moz-keyframes","-moz-"),syntax(null,"@-o-keyframes","-o-"),syntax("end","@keyframes");break;case"10":syntax("start","@-moz-keyframes","-moz-"),syntax("end","@-o-keyframes","-o-");break;case"11":syntax("start","@-moz-keyframes","-moz-"),syntax("end","@keyframes");break;case"12":syntax("startend","@-moz-keyframes","-moz-");break;case"13":syntax("start","@-o-keyframes","-o-"),syntax("end","@keyframes");break;case"14":syntax("startend","@-o-keyframes","-o-");break;case"15":syntax("startend","@keyframes")}return value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; @state: 1; // Default state 1 means all prefixes lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state: 1; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:2; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:2; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:3; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:3; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:4; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:4; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:5; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:5; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // // cross // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:5; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:5; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:6; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:6; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // // cross // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:6; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:6; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:7; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:7; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // // cross // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:7; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:7; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:8; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:8; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // // cross // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:8; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:8; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:8; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:8; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:8; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:8; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:9; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:9; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:10; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:10; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // // cross // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:10; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:10; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:11; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:11; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // // cross // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:11; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:11; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:12; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:12; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // // cross // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:12; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:12; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:12; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:12; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:12; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:12; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:13; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:13; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // // cross // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:13; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:13; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:14; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:14; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // // cross // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:14; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:14; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:14; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:14; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:14; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:14; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@opera_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:15; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:15; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // // cross // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:15; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:15; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:15; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:15; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:15; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:15; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) {} // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@opera_local = true) {} // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@opera_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) {} // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) {} // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) {} // .inception (@arguments) when (@webkit = true) and (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@webkit_local = true) and not (@moz_local = true) {} // .inception (@arguments) when not (@webkit = true) and not (@moz = true) and not (@opera = true) and not (@w3c = true) {} //.inception(@arguments); } .opacity(...) { @ms_local: false; @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process_ms: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"filter: alpha(opacity=100)","alpha(opacity="+Math.floor(100*value)+")"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"1"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process_ms)) and not (iscolor(@process_ms)) and not (isnumber(@process_ms)) and not (iskeyword(@process_ms)) and not (isurl(@process_ms)) and not (ispixel(@process_ms)) and not (ispercentage(@process_ms)) and not (isem(@process_ms)) { zoom: 1; filter: @process_ms; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process_ms)) and not (iscolor(@process_ms)) and not (isnumber(@process_ms)) and not (iskeyword(@process_ms)) and not (isurl(@process_ms)) and not (ispixel(@process_ms)) and not (ispercentage(@process_ms)) and not (isem(@process_ms)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-opacity: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-opacity: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { opacity: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .order(...) { @olderwebkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @ms_local: true; @webkit_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"0"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-box-ordinal-group: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-box-ordinal-group: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-flex-order: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-order: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { order: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, true, @olderwebkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .perspective(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"none";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"px"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-perspective: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-perspective: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { perspective: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .perspective-origin(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"50% 50%";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return/^[^, ]*,/.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(/(?:,)(?![^(]*\))/g,"")),numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"%"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-perspective-origin: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-perspective-origin: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { perspective-origin: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .placeholder(@color:hotpink, @element: 08121991) { .inception (@arguments) when not (@element = 08121991) { @{element}::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: @color; } @{element}:-moz-placeholder { color: @color; } @{element}::-moz-placeholder { color: @color; } @{element}:-ms-input-placeholder { color: @color; } } .inception (@arguments) when (@element = 08121991) { &::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: @color; } &:-moz-placeholder { color: @color; } &::-moz-placeholder { color: @color; } &:-ms-input-placeholder { color: @color; } } .inception(@arguments); } .rotate(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"deg"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-transform: rotate(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-transform: rotate(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-transform: rotate(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-transform: rotate(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transform: rotate(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .rotate3d(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"0, 0, 0, 0",value=value.replace(/,\s*\d+$/,function(match){return match+"deg"})})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-transform: rotate3d(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-transform: rotate3d(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-transform: rotate3d(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-transform: rotate3d(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transform: rotate3d(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .rotateX(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"deg"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-transform: rotateX(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-transform: rotateX(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-transform: rotateX(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-transform: rotateX(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transform: rotateX(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .rotateY(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"deg"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-transform: rotateY(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-transform: rotateY(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-transform: rotateY(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-transform: rotateY(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transform: rotateY(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .rotateZ(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"deg"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-transform: rotateZ(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-transform: rotateZ(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-transform: rotateZ(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transform: rotateZ(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .saturate(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"100%";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"%"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-filter: ~"saturate(@{process})"; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-filter: ~"saturate(@{process})"; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-filter: ~"saturate(@{process})"; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { filter: ~"saturate(@{process})"; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .scale(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"1"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-transform: scale(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-transform: scale(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-transform: scale(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-transform: scale(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transform: scale(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .scale3d(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"1, 1, 1"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-transform: scale3d(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-transform: scale3d(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-transform: scale3d(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-transform: scale3d(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transform: scale3d(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .scaleX(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"1"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-transform: scaleX(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-transform: scaleX(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-transform: scaleX(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-transform: scaleX(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transform: scaleX(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .scaleY(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"1"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-transform: scaleY(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-transform: scaleY(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-transform: scaleY(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-transform: scaleY(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transform: scaleY(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .scaleZ(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"1"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-transform: scaleZ(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-transform: scaleZ(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-transform: scaleZ(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-transform: scaleZ(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transform: scaleZ(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .selection(...) { @moz_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){function syntax(start,selector){var end="}\n",definition=value_temp.split(","),syntax=(definition[1]||"")+selector+"{"+definition[0]+end;"start"==start?value="0; } \n"+syntax:"startend"==start?value="0; } \n"+syntax.replace(end,""):value+="end"==start?syntax.replace(end,""):syntax}value=value||8121991;var state="@{state}",value_temp=value;if(8121991==value)return value;switch(state){case"1":syntax("start","::selection"),syntax("end","::-moz-selection");break;case"2":syntax("startend","::selection");break;case"3":syntax("startend","::-moz-selection")}return value=value.replace(/;$/g,"")})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; @state: 69; // Yeah totally random number .inception (@arguments) when (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state: 1; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } .inception (@arguments) when (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@arguments) when (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:2; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } .inception (@arguments) when (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // cross .inception (@arguments) when not (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:2; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } .inception (@arguments) when not (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@arguments) when (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:3; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } .inception (@arguments) when (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} // cross .inception (@arguments) when (@moz = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { @state:3; lesshat-selector { -lh-property: @process; } } .inception (@arguments) when (@moz = true) and not (@w3c = true) and (@moz_local = true) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@arguments) when (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) {} .inception (@arguments) when not (@moz = true) and (@w3c = true) and not (@w3c_local = true) {} .inception (@arguments) when (@moz = true) and not (@w3c = true) and not (@moz_local = true) {} .inception (@arguments) when not (@moz = true) and not (@w3c = true) {} .inception(@arguments); } .sepia(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"100%";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"%"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-filter: sepia(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-filter: sepia(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-filter: sepia(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { filter: sepia(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .size(@square) { @unit: 'px'; .process(@square) when (ispixel(@square)), (isem(@square)), (ispercentage(@square)), (iskeyword(@square)) { width: @square; height: @square; } .process(@square) when not (ispixel(@square)) and not (isem(@square)) and not (ispercentage(@square)) and not (isstring(@square)) and not (iskeyword(@square)) { width: ~`@{square} + @{unit}`; height: ~`@{square} + @{unit}`; } .process(@square); } .size(@width, @height) { @unit: 'px'; .process(@width, @height) when (ispixel(@width)), (isem(@width)), (ispercentage(@width)), (iskeyword(@width)) { .kittens(@height) when (ispixel(@height)), (isem(@height)), (ispercentage(@height)), (iskeyword(@height)) { width: @width; height: @height; } .kittens(@height) when not (ispixel(@height)) and not (isem(@height)) and not (ispercentage(@height)) and not (iskeyword(@height)) { width: @width; height: ~`@{height} + @{unit}`; } .kittens(@height); } .process(@width, @height) when (ispixel(@height)), (isem(@height)), (ispercentage(@height)), (iskeyword(@height)) { .kittens(@width) when (ispixel(@width)), (isem(@width)), (ispercentage(@width)), (iskeyword(@width)) {} .kittens(@width) when not (ispixel(@width)) and not (isem(@width)) and not (ispercentage(@width)) and not (iskeyword(@width)) { width: ~`@{width} + @{unit}`; height: @height; } .kittens(@width); } .process(@width, @height) when not (ispixel(@width)) and not (isem(@width)) and not (ispercentage(@width)) and not (iskeyword(@width)) and not (ispixel(@height)) and not (isem(@height)) and not (ispercentage(@height)) and not (iskeyword(@height)) { width: ~`@{width} + @{unit}`; height: ~`@{height} + @{unit}`; } .process(@width, @height); } .skew(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"deg"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-transform: skew(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-transform: skew(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-transform: skew(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-transform: skew(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transform: skew(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .skewX(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"deg"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-transform: skewX(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-transform: skewX(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-transform: skewX(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-transform: skewX(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transform: skewX(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .skewY(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"deg"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-transform: skewY(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-transform: skewY(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-transform: skewY(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-transform: skewY(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transform: skewY(@process); } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .transform(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"none";var functions={translate:"px",rotate:"deg",rotate3d:"deg",skew:"deg"};/^\w*\(?[a-z0-9.]*\)?/.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(/(?:,)(?![^(]*\))/g,""));for(var i in functions)value.indexOf(i)>=0&&(value=value.replace(new RegExp(i+"[\\w]?\\([a-z0-9, %]*\\)"),function(match){var regex=/(\d+\.?\d*)(?!\w|%)/g;return"rotate3d"==i&&(regex=/,\s*\d+$/),match.replace(regex,function(innerMatch){return innerMatch+functions[i]})}));return value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-transform: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-transform: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-transform: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-transform: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transform: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .transform-origin(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"50% 50% 0";var numRegex=/\d/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return/^[^, ]*,/.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(/(?:,)(?![^(]*\))/g,"")),numRegex.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return 0==match&&match||match+"%"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-transform-origin: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-transform-origin: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-transform-origin: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-transform-origin: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transform-origin: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .transform-style(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @ms_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){return value=value||"flat"})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-transform-style: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-transform-style: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-transform-style: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -ms-transform-style: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transform-style: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 5) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @ms, @ms_local); .result(@arguments, 5, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .transition(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process_webkit: ~`(function(value){value=value||"all 0 ease 0";var prefixedProperties=["background-size","border-radius","border-bottom-left-radius","border-bottom-right-radius","border-top-left-radius","border-top-right-radius","box-shadow","column","transform","filter"],prefix="-webkit-",valueRegex=/(?:\d)(?:ms|s)/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%)/gi;return/^[^, ]*,/.test(value)&&(value=value.replace(/(?:,)(?![^(]*\))/g,"")),prefixedProperties.forEach(function(property){-1!==value.indexOf(property)&&(value=value.replace(new RegExp(property,"g"),function(match){return prefix+match}))}),valueRegex.test(value)||"0"===value||(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return match+=parseFloat(match,10)>10?"ms":"s"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; 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} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process_webkit)) and not (iscolor(@process_webkit)) and not (isnumber(@process_webkit)) and not (iskeyword(@process_webkit)) and not (isurl(@process_webkit)) and not (ispixel(@process_webkit)) and not (ispercentage(@process_webkit)) and not (isem(@process_webkit)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process_moz)) and not (iscolor(@process_moz)) and not (isnumber(@process_moz)) and not (iskeyword(@process_moz)) and not (isurl(@process_moz)) and not (ispixel(@process_moz)) and not (ispercentage(@process_moz)) and not (isem(@process_moz)) { -moz-transition: @process_moz; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process_moz)) and not (iscolor(@process_moz)) and not (isnumber(@process_moz)) and not (iskeyword(@process_moz)) and not (isurl(@process_moz)) and not (ispixel(@process_moz)) and not (ispercentage(@process_moz)) and not (isem(@process_moz)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process_opera)) and not (iscolor(@process_opera)) and not (isnumber(@process_opera)) and not (iskeyword(@process_opera)) and not (isurl(@process_opera)) and not (ispixel(@process_opera)) and not (ispercentage(@process_opera)) and not (isem(@process_opera)) { -o-transition: @process_opera; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process_opera)) and not (iscolor(@process_opera)) and not (isnumber(@process_opera)) and not (iskeyword(@process_opera)) and not (isurl(@process_opera)) and not (ispixel(@process_opera)) and not (ispercentage(@process_opera)) and not (isem(@process_opera)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transition: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .transition-delay(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var valueRegex=/(?:\d)(?:ms|s)/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return valueRegex.test(value)||"0"===value||(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return match+=parseFloat(match,10)>10?"ms":"s"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-transition-delay: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-transition-delay: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-transition-delay: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transition-delay: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .transition-duration(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"0";var valueRegex=/ms|s/gi,numWithoutValue=/(?:\s|^)(\.?\d+\.?\d*)(?![^(]*\)|\w|%|\.)/gi;return valueRegex.test(value)||"0"===value||(value=value.replace(numWithoutValue,function(match){return match+=parseFloat(match,10)>10?"ms":"s"})),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when (@boolean = true) and (@local_boolean = true) { .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -webkit-transition-duration: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 1) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -moz-transition-duration: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 2) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { -o-transition-duration: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 3) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) { transition-duration: @process; } .inception (@signal, @arguments) when (@signal = 4) and not (isstring(@process)) and not (iscolor(@process)) and not (isnumber(@process)) and not (iskeyword(@process)) and not (isurl(@process)) and not (ispixel(@process)) and not (ispercentage(@process)) and not (isem(@process)) {} .inception(@signal, @arguments); } .result (@arguments, @signal, @boolean, @local_boolean) when not (@boolean = true), not (@local_boolean = true) {} .result(@arguments, 1, @webkit, @webkit_local); .result(@arguments, 2, @moz, @moz_local); .result(@arguments, 3, @opera, @opera_local); .result(@arguments, 4, @w3c, @w3c_local); } .transition-property(...) { @webkit_local: true; @moz_local: true; @opera_local: true; @w3c_local: true; @process_webkit: ~`(function(value){value=value||"all";var prefixedProperties=["background-size","border-radius","border-bottom-left-radius","border-bottom-right-radius","border-top-left-radius","border-top-right-radius","box-shadow","column","transform","filter"],prefix="-webkit-";return prefixedProperties.forEach(function(property){-1!==value.indexOf(property)&&(value=value.replace(new RegExp(property,"g"),function(match){return prefix+match}))}),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; @process_moz: ~`(function(value){value=value||"all";var prefixedProperties=["background-size","box-shadow","column","transform","filter"],prefix="-moz-";return prefixedProperties.forEach(function(property){-1!==value.indexOf(property)&&(value=value.replace(new RegExp(property,"g"),function(match){return prefix+match}))}),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; @process_opera: ~`(function(value){value=value||"all";var prefixedProperties=["transform"],prefix="-o-";return prefixedProperties.forEach(function(property){-1!==value.indexOf(property)&&(value=value.replace(new RegExp(property,"g"),function(match){return prefix+match}))}),value})((function(){var args="@{arguments}";return args=args.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")})())`; @process: ~`(function(value){value=value||"all";var prefixes=["-webkit-","-moz-","-o-",""],prefixedProperties=["column","transform","filter"],subSplit=value.split(/(?:,)(?![^(]*\))/g);return subSplit.forEach(function(css,index){prefixedProperties.forEach(function(property){-1!==css.indexOf(property)&&(subSplit[index]="",prefixes.forEach(function(vendor,i){subSplit[index]+=css.trim().replace(new RegExp(property,"g"),function(match){return vendor+match}),i